An elegiac tale of love and remembrance set in a small German town in the aftermath of the First World War, where a young woman mourning the death of her fiancé forms a bond with a mysterious Frenchman who has arrived to lay flowers on her beloved’s grave. Director François Ozon wanders into unconventional territory in this astonishingly beautiful and inquisitive remake of Ernst Lubitsch’s film, Broken Lullaby, using it as a springboard for a profound look at alienation and grief.

“Lubitsch’s Broken Lullaby gets a new life in Ozon’s elegant drama” IndieWire

This event is organized to commemorate the Armistice in association with the French Film Festival UK and the Goethe Institute Glasgow.


Our Season Pass gives you access to five films of the Edinburgh Film Guild season at the Institut français d’Écosse, a saving of £12 on the regular price!

Full Price : £30 | Concession* : £21 – Tickets available online and on the door.
*Concession available for registered students, registered unemployed people, disabled people (free for accompanying person), and under 18.
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